Thursday, June 01, 2006


Hi Allan,

I couldn’t get through on the phone this morning and I am unable to listen to you at work; however, I still wanted to get my “two cents worth” in.

I am so sick and tired of children being everyone else’s responsibility to discipline and raise EXCEPT the parent’s. This is why our society is going to hell in a hand basket. If you don’t teach children how to behave and to show respect for others, they turn into burdens on our society rather than productive beings.

Parents need to raise their own children. It is not the responsibility of a restaurant manager to baby sit someone else’s kids. The manager needs to manage the restaurant, not my children. My children are MY responsibility. This is how I have remedied situations like this in the past. I have three children. Here’s how I’ve handled these problems in the past rather than shirking my duties as a mother and putting them onto some poor manager:

Son #1 throws a hissy fit in a store because I said “No” to a toy he wanted. I grabbed him firmly by the arm and walked him out of the store very quickly. Once in the car, I told him he will never see the inside of a store again, and for 4 years, he never saw the inside of a store again.

Son #1 and son #2 start acting up in a restaurant. I tell them if they keep it up, we’re leaving and they will not see the inside of any restaurant for a very long time…..IF EVER. They keep it up. I quickly pay the waitress for our half-eaten food. Apologize to her and the patron’s around me and then I remove my children from the restaurant. They don’t even see a McDonalds for the next two years.

My daughter and son #1 constantly fight over the computer and who’s turn it is to be on it, how long the other has been on it, etc. I tell both of them that I am sick and tired of hearing the arguments. They need to work it out together. I then tell them if I hear ANY more arguing over the computer, I’m getting rid of it. The next day another computer fight started. I immediately disconnected the computer, put an ad in the paper and sold it. There hasn’t been a computer in our house for 3 ½ years now. They say it sucks to have to go to the library to do all their homework all the time. But, they don’t fight over the video games….AT ALL. Funny how that works. Another year and I might, just might break down and get another computer. Of course, the same rule will apply, if I hear fighting….it goes.

Parents need to stop being so damn lazy and discipline their children. If you can’t control your own children in public, then don’t go out unless you have a baby sitter. Don’t make a sales clerk, waitress or manager baby sit your kids, pay for someone to do it and get out with your spouse or your friends and enjoy yourself.

Teach your kids to clean, cook, do dishes and do laundry. Everyone in the house needs chores to appreciate what they have.

I’m sorry, but this one just irked the crap out of me. I have 3 kids, you need to train them early, while they are young and you will reap the rewards when they are older. Every time one of my kids sleeps over a friend’s house, I get a phone call from the parents telling my how much they enjoy my child, how polite my child is and they can’t believe that my child helped them with the dishes.

We went out to dinner with my 6 year old last week because the other kids had sleep overs. The owner of the restaurant came to our table and said he is so impressed with this young man. The waitress could not get over how polite (and funny) my son was. Yes, it took the extra effort on my part, but now we can go any where with the kids, and we enjoy ourselves, and most importantly, others around them get to enjoy their night out.

If you don’t want to parent a child….don’t have any. Yes, it’s hard, it takes a lot of work, but it is so very worth it in the end.

Ok, I’m off my soapbox now.

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. You guys are great, thanks for every morning!!!

Patti C.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this was well said! I agree with it. Although, I don't have any parents had the same thoughts with myself and my really works! :0)

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with this letter. I am not a parent and it is very aggrevating going places and coming across rude and obnoxious children. I only wish other parents were as considerate as you with the raising of their children. Continue the good work and pass along your experience with other.

8:43 AM  

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