Sunday, August 20, 2006


The 2006 PEDAL TO THE POINT was my first. I have to admit, I was concered about making the trip to Sandusky and then, the trip BACK the next day. On day one, we faced everything. A massive rainstorm soaked us early followed by a constant head wind that made it tough to ride. On the first day, we rode 80 miles from the Berea Fairgrounds to Sandusky. The return trip was 89 miles with a constant wind that made the ride much more difficult.
Recovering from the tightness after day one was probably the biggest challenge. Those who make long rides for the first time don't realize what crazy things happen to your body. It's really not about the energy level, it's about "SEAT MANAGEMENT" I'll leave it at that.
I have to credit my friend Cindy Ferch (pictured) for encouraging me to make the ride and then bein' a wingman along the way. She taught me that HO HOS actually are a better energy source than fruit. The entire Medical Mutual team was quite festive and made the overall ride enjoyable.
The race is very well run and the volunteers were awesome. I will definately ride the event again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good morning guys! just had to write in and tell allan how proud i am of
him! you are a great example to people in our area here (where self esteem
is lacking) that you can accomplish ANYTHING when you put your mind to it..
i know your body is hurting but you should be very proud of yourself for
finishing that long bike ride.. i know im proud of you.. way to go!

faith in avon lake

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Allan,

I was listening to your show today and heard you talking about Pedal to the Point. Is this your first ride? I have been riding for WolfPack for the last 5 years and this was my toughest year yet, just loved the rain/hail/head winds and extract 14 miles on the way back.
Anyhow, I got a chuckle this morning because I too feel like I am a “cowgirl” from Brokeback Mountain walking around work. Oh by the way, I did it with my 15 year old daughter, Kelsey…. Maybe you and Gabby in a few years???

Take care,Carol

7:36 PM  

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