THE NUTCRACKER '06 Opening Day
Former Brown's player Bob Golic's wife Karen applies eyeliner to me before our opening performance in the Nutcracker Saturday afternoon.
Karen is my dance partner in the "party scene" of the Nutcracker. As a former Raider cheerleader and professional dancer, she has been more than patient with me and my "Jerry Spriner-like" dance skills. Although, when her husband Bob isn't around, she says I'm much more graceful than Bob is on the dance floor.
My daughter Gabby got a new dress for opening day of The Nutcracker. When asked about my performance, she simply said, "..uh, it was pretty good....can we go now??"
You look great! Love the eyeliner....really brings out your eyes! I can totally picture Gabby saying that....I'm sure she thought it was great! I saw the video....u did wonderful! :o) I was very impressed!
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