I took a lil flack for my new-look hat. I've heard everything from "Top of the mornin' to ya" to "you look like a longshoreman." Some people have suggested I got it to cover up my new "BRITNEY BALD LOOK".....To tell the truth, I got the hat, because I liked the hat. What do you think? Good look? Lose the hat? Love to hear your on comments below... It's your music, your station..uh, it's your hat...?
Who knew? All is took for me to get a lil marketing was to shave my head like BRITNEY SPEARS and have a big mouth! This is a marketing piece put out by our station to talk about my, uh "accomplishments".
This morning...the morning after THE GREAT SHAVE of "07......
My wife SUSAN is in for REBECCA all week..this is us BEFORE "The Razor Incident"
A Sunday morning view of the back deck. It's time for spring!
With the weather as cold as it is during the 3-day weekend, my daughter GABBY and I decided to face off in the TROUBLE CHAMPINSHIP. It is our favorite game and it has led to many exciting finishes.....GABBY has mastered getting the "6" and often knocks me out of play at key times.
After winning 3-straight, GABBY has dropped two games in-a-row to me. So far, the weekend series is 6 wins for GABS and 5 wins for DADDY. I don't know what's tougher; playing TROUBLE against my daughter or holding my own against REBECCA each morning...LOL!
Boy...those workouts are really payin' off....
The 2007 CRUSH PARTY to benefit EASTER SEALS was Thursday night at the Terrace Club at Jacob's Field. Rebecca and I hosted along with FOX 8's KENNY CRUMPTON. We had a huge crowd show up for quite the festive night. Our own JOHN CONNOR put on quite a show getting top dollar as a "bachelor-ish"....Friend of our show ANDREA VECCHIO from GOOD COMPANY was the top dollar getter for the ladies. For more pix, check out our photo album on the front of the WILDE AND FEE page.
During my short vacation to California, my friend Brian and I went to dinner in Newport Beach....clearly we didn't get the memo where the MIAMI VICE look went out sometime in the 80's. We were just glad to be away from the wind chill for a few days.
GABBY with our friend's KEN and NANCY 's dog MILO on Tuesday night.
On this morning's show, I brought up the topic of youth soccer. I have coached my daughter for several seasons and it has become a big part of our lives. This week, it's time to sign up for spring soccer. In the fall, we had participated in an indoor league in Hudson where we needed to provide our team with our own jerseys. In the upcoming spring league, T-shirts are provided as uniforms. On the show today, I asked if it would be OK to use our much better jerseys from the indoor league for our team. The kids really like them and it would give us a chance to use them again after paying for them for only 7 games. We took several calls with callers suggesting it was a very bad idea. Some said it was arrogant. Others said it would hurt the self-esteem of our opponents because they would have lesser uniforms. Either way, I was surprised at the backlash. I concede that opposing parents may look at it and wonder why we had "better" uniforms. They would likely feel we were arrogant or some kind of "rich" team as some of the callers suggested. In reality, all we wanted to do is have our kids wear the jerseys they were so proud of. We have established a wonderful soccer family for our team. I often see other teams coaches not make it to games, teams not have enough players show up at game time and kids not having as much fun as us. Our parents, coaches and players put a lot of time and effort into making sure our kids have the most fun and learn soccer at the same time. It's a shame that we will likely give in to other people's wrong perceptions of what we are trying to do and wear the T-shirt.
I have received a ton of emails today hammering me on asking the question about the jerseys. Some said that I was part of the problem in youth sports. I'm one of "those parents". That couldn't be farther from the truth. I bring up these things on the radio to create dialogue about youth sports. Several of our listeners have kids who play soccer. If you are one of them, I'm sure you know what I mean when I say parents in youth sports have many different approaches to why their kid is playing. Some are for fun. Others are trying to turn their kid into a star. Some say winning is important. Others say winning is no big deal. It's hard to get everyone on the same page. I will continue to bring these issues up on our show because I feel it's important when it comes to raising our kids. Sports can be so awesome. It's our responsibility to get it right. I am not a perfect coach or parent. But the effort and passion is there. I am open to your comments and welcome them always. I have posted a couple of listener emails under comments below. If you have thoughts on this topic, click on the comments section below this post. We invest so much in our team. I only wish others were as passionate as we all are. Soccer is such a great game. I am proud of what we do with our team. Our kids have a blast. Our parents have a blast. I dream of the day soccer becomes our number one sport.