On this morning's show, I brought up the topic of youth soccer. I have coached my daughter for several seasons and it has become a big part of our lives. This week, it's time to sign up for spring soccer. In the fall, we had participated in an indoor league in Hudson where we needed to provide our team with our own jerseys. In the upcoming spring league, T-shirts are provided as uniforms. On the show today, I asked if it would be OK to use our much better jerseys from the indoor league for our team. The kids really like them and it would give us a chance to use them again after paying for them for only 7 games. We took several calls with callers suggesting it was a very bad idea. Some said it was arrogant. Others said it would hurt the self-esteem of our opponents because they would have lesser uniforms. Either way, I was surprised at the backlash. I concede that opposing parents may look at it and wonder why we had "better" uniforms. They would likely feel we were arrogant or some kind of "rich" team as some of the callers suggested. In reality, all we wanted to do is have our kids wear the jerseys they were so proud of. We have established a wonderful soccer family for our team. I often see other teams coaches not make it to games, teams not have enough players show up at game time and kids not having as much fun as us. Our parents, coaches and players put a lot of time and effort into making sure our kids have the most fun and learn soccer at the same time. It's a shame that we will likely give in to other people's wrong perceptions of what we are trying to do and wear the T-shirt.
I have received a ton of emails today hammering me on asking the question about the jerseys. Some said that I was part of the problem in youth sports. I'm one of "those parents". That couldn't be farther from the truth. I bring up these things on the radio to create dialogue about youth sports. Several of our listeners have kids who play soccer. If you are one of them, I'm sure you know what I mean when I say parents in youth sports have many different approaches to why their kid is playing. Some are for fun. Others are trying to turn their kid into a star. Some say winning is important. Others say winning is no big deal. It's hard to get everyone on the same page. I will continue to bring these issues up on our show because I feel it's important when it comes to raising our kids. Sports can be so awesome. It's our responsibility to get it right. I am not a perfect coach or parent. But the effort and passion is there. I am open to your comments and welcome them always. I have posted a couple of listener emails under comments below. If you have thoughts on this topic, click on the comments section below this post. We invest so much in our team. I only wish others were as passionate as we all are. Soccer is such a great game. I am proud of what we do with our team. Our kids have a blast. Our parents have a blast. I dream of the day soccer becomes our number one sport.
I was just listening to your conversation about the youth soccer team wearing the expensive jerseys and how that makes kids feel, and unfortunately I am at work and can't call in right now. I just want to say as a former track athlete, you are COMPLETELY WRONG in saying that the kids don't care what the other teams are wearing. It puts the kids down right from the start when they step out on the field wearing T-Shirts and the other team is wearing snazzy shiny jerseys with their names on it or whatever. Have you ever watched a sports movie? The bad team ALWAYS wears the snazzy expensive jerseys! Then they trip the kids during the game and it is just like the woman said on the phone, the underdogs (aka the kids in the regulation uniforms, T-Shirts or whatever) win. Trying to teach the kids to respect the game or whatever it is you are saying has absolutely nothing to do with what the kids wear.
Thanks Allan, But you're wrong :-)
Kathy Johnson
Allan......My daughters are both in "recreational" soccer. I disagree with
you completely. The fancy uniforms are worn by the indoor leagues and
travel teams that have children and parents that have more desire, time,
and money to devote to the sport. My girls are in the learning stages. My
husband does help coach but also has to work on some of the days we have
games. There is always a couple of parents that help out.
You say it is not arrogance but you are being very arrogant. If you think
it does not matter than why do you think your girls need these uniforms.
Let them play, learn and have fun without. Once on the field I do not
think it really matters to the girls.
Do you really think that kids that wear T-shirt do not have respect to the
game. You are right the parents cause the problems and it sounds like you
are one of them. You are not keeping your team down by wearing a t-shirt.
WEAR THE T-SHIRTS.....if not go start your own league!
LeeAnn/ Strongsville
Hi Guys,
You're talking about putting better jerseys on your kids? And you shouldn't have to play down just to make other people happy? Do you hear yourself??
You put those jerseys on those girls, you might as well put a big bullseye on each of their foreheads because the other teams will come gunning for them. Every chance to throw an elbow, a kick, a shove that jersey in the mud, the other team will take it. And why? Because you are trying to show off. You don't want "to play down" like the other teams. Those jerseys are just an excuse to promote yourselves and say your team is better than everyone else's. Because, "We're into the soccer thing...Other coaches, parents - they don't even show up!" Blah, blah, blah. You want more broken bones this year? Go for it.
My girls play basketball and I have watched it before. Girls are ruthless and when a team comes in with their NBA style apparel, they're in for it. Watch Princess hit the floor.
yesterday Allan, you were talking about your daughter's soccer team. I agree with most of the callers that your plan to wear more expensive jerseys sounds snobby and could negatively impact other teams. I know from going to watch my nephews baseball games that when teams show up with batting gloves and matching equipment bags for each member and fancy shirts that it really makes the kids on the other team seem to sink . I've heard 8-10 year olds make comments like "maybe we aren't as good as them". I say stick to the fundementals of the game -- the only things having fancy outfits does is teach materialism! A suggestion for getting more wear out of those expensive jerseys----make them your practice jeresy or have them wear them over the tshirt from the leauge till they enter play.
about the snickers commercial...i'm a gay guy and found it hysterical those rights group don't have a sense of humor
I am a nurse and work with the mentally ill (children and adolescents) and i wish you would refrain from using phrases like "whack job" or 'Crazy" to talk about the astronaut with some obiviuos mental health issues there is enough stigma and stereotypes that keep people from seeking much needed help.
keep up the good job guys !!!!!!! (Rebecca you ROCK!!! Allen your swell, Glenn keep signing and Nick u cool..i do miss Brian though) You make my morning commute from cleveland (lakewood of course right!) to akron much better
not a registered listener but would like to be ,
PS> Are you and rest of team still staying away from your vices? i don't hear you mention that much anymore?
Alan - You've Done Nothing Wrong!!
As a former child, high school and college athlete, I can assure that no damage will be done to your daughter and the other members of your team by using the jerseys you had for indoor. The only people who have issues using the "nicer" jerseys are the parents - the kids won't give a hoot what they wear, so long as they can play soccer and get a little snack afterwards.
By focusing on the whole uniform issue, you are teaching your kids that the only thing that matters in sports are the trivial matters, such as the quality of a uniform and not the game itself.
I went to very small high school and I wore the same exact volleyball and basketball jersey all four years, because our funding was low. While our competitors invested in new uniforms every year, we had to stick with what we had. Were we disappointed about not getting new stuff...sure, but did we completely break-down about it? HELL NO! We went out and played the game and the only thing that mattered at the end of it, was who did the better job and not who looked better.
Too often, we take the focus away from learning a physical skill, such as dribbling a soccer ball and enjoying being physically active and instead we have arguments and fights over uniforms, shoes and playing times.
These people need to get over it...your child WILL NOT remember what they wore in a soccer game or even who won, they will just remember that they had fun!
The rules of any sport are learned both on the court or the field, but they are also learned at home. Perhaps parents should take a good, long look where their priorities lie in teaching their children the value of athletics and not accessories.
Use any jersey you want Alan....if your soccer parents and team are all for it, than those are the only people you need to listen to!
Hi Allan~
I heard the little debate on Tues. about the soccer jerseys you used for indoor and just read the terrible backlash you received for it and all I have to say is this....WEAR THE INDOOR JERSEYS!!
As a former child, high school and collegiate athlete, I can say that there will be no emotional damage to your daughter or your team because they wore a different jersey. So long as the league you're apart of has no issue with it, then go for it. I guarantee in 10 years, Gabby or her teammates won't even remember what they wore, they will just remember that they had fun as a team and they will long for that feeling again and again!
I went to a small, rural high school with limited funding, so we had to wear jerseys and uniforms that were two and three years old. We watched our bigger competitors get new ones every year. Were we a little disappointed, sure...but was it a determining factor in our play...NO!! When that buzzer sounded, we played hard every and no longer cared about their uniforms. When you are in the midst of athletic competition, you only care about one thing...winning and I'm pretty sure that a jersey or uniform can't physically play the's all up to the person who wears that jersey.
I know that there are some issues surrounding the way youth athletics are being played, managed and coached and there have been some high profile issues in the news of late, but if you are going to sit there and blame a youth athlete's behavior and attitude on the uniform or shoes they do not have, then I suggest you question how that child is being raised!
I completely understand how fierce, mean and rough athletics can be, I was rough and tough at one time too. Do kids throw elbows - they swear at each on the floor - ABSOLUTELY...but who ever said children and teenagers were void of passion and emotion? NO ONE.
If your child can take a hit or an elbow and or nasty word thrown in their face and NOT RETALIATE out of anger...then you've taught your children well. But, if your kid is the one who thinks playing dirty is right, then check your attitude out and you'll see where it comes from real quick.
Kids are resilient and strong and I think we don't give them enough credit when it comes to doing the right thing. So long as your team knows they're wearing the indoor jerseys because your paid for them and not because you think they're cooler or better, than there's no problem. The kids on the field will get over it and so should the parents. Just let the kids play!!
Respectfully yours,
Tiffany F
Dear Allan,
Just want to say that this is my
first time to this site. I have
listened to you guys for a real
long time. Big fan.
I have to say that you should
be commended for what a great father you are. Its obvious how much you love Gabby. As for the
the youth soccer debate I had to
comment. This is silly that this
is even a debate. It's sad that
we live in the world of "keeping
up with the Jones's". Children arent born caring what people think
-that is learned. Also, a child may
not try or do other things they
love because of "what people think". The kids will only make
a big deal out of the jerseys if
the parents do. Geeze, the kids
just want to have fun. Let them.
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