Monday, April 30, 2007


SHANNON O'BRIEN from 19 ACTION NEWS stopped by the show Monday to get the vibe on the BRADY QUINN situation. We spent the morning asking if it is all about BRADY or GRADY (Sizemore) for our female audience. SIDEBAR: SHANNON without a doubt chose BRADY. SIDEBAR #2: That is NOT a Chinese Throwing Star around SHANNON'S NECK. SHANNON is a cool chica and a good friend. It's always festive when she stops by the show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I choose Brady too.. Grady is a cutie but Brady is a hottie. Let me just say I wouldn't mind interviewing Brady in the locker room after a game. :)

9:42 PM  
Blogger AnnieBeans said...

I don't know anything about Grady or Brady, but that shirt looks amazing on you. You should wear that color more often! Lookin' good, Fee...

12:12 PM  
Blogger AnnieBeans said...

I don't know anything about Grady or Brady, but that shirt looks amazing on you. You should wear that color more often! Lookin' good, Fee...

12:13 PM  

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