This weekend, we are putting the finishing touches on the soccer league league we started in Sagamore Hills, Northfield, Northfield Center and Macedonia. The Nordonia Hills Soccer Associatin begins practice this Thursday. Games begin the week of Labor Day. I am so excited to be a part of this league. My friend Tom and I started this as a dream to help grow soccer in Northeast Ohio. The response has been huge. We expected 80-100 players and ended up with 177!! I'm so happy with the response and I'm looking forward to seeing my daughter play this Fall.
On Saturday, we passed out uniforms to the players and ran through some of our soccer drills. My daughter Gabby took a break in the hot weather when I snapped this pic.
My daughter Gabby started third grade yesterday...she is growing up so quickly...she asked me to get her the HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 CD and cranked it all afternoon. I became my dad when I yelled up to her room..."GABBY....TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN!!!!" UGH... She is excited to be back in school...I'm afraid to blink...she'll be in high school askin' for the car keys soon.......OY!
Monday's DMB show at Blossom was a sloppy good time...I thought it would be cool to see the show from the lawn... who knew The Great Monsoon of '07 was gonna blow through?!?!?! Although it was a messy night, it was great to hang with so many friends who had tix to the show...
Long time friends Christine and Jason Gibbs showed up to the show a lil more prepared for the weather.....
I'm off now thru Tuesday and will return to the show on Wednesday. Playin' golf all weekend...including FIRESTONE on Monday...

My daughter GABBY and I toured the LAKE HUMANE SOCIETY on Thursday afternoon. She wanted to adopt every animal she met.....the people at LAKE HUMANE SOCIETY are so kind and very good at what they do. Thanks to Gail and Christina for the tour!
Gabby and I snapped this pic on my cell phone Thursday afternoon.
THE BACKSTREET BOYS stopped by Monday morning. Nick and Howie are on a nationwide promo tour that is taking them to radio stations all over the country. This is our second in-studio interviw with the band and once again they were awesome. They are very kind and cool to hang with. They are putting their final touches on the new disc and already have a new song on Q104. Nick looks great! He's down 40 pounds and says he's living a clearner lifestyle. For more pix, check out the photo gallery on the front of the Wilde and Fee page.
MARIO from THE BRAYLON BUNCH is a dear friend to WILDE AND FEE. I would like to say congratulations to him and his wife on becoming parents. DOMINIC JAMES was born on August 1st. Note the BROWNS passifier in the picture....I'm sure his first tailgate party is a few weeks away.....Labels: .
PEDAL TO THE POINT is coming up in just a few weeks. Like last year, I am going to wait to the last minute to decide whether or not I'm going to ride in the event. My friend Cindy and I knocked out a quick 16-mile training ride on Saturday morning. Last year, she talked me into PEDAL TO THE POINT. We braved rain and other obstacles and got through it. I have to admit, day two was particulary taxing. I'm in better shape this year and will decide soon if I am going to ride.
One of my favorite bars in the city is HOOPLES in the flats. Its such an awesome casual hang. In particular, Thursday nights are awesome because of the live music. Those who know why understand what I'm saying. I'm sworn to secrecy and can't tell you why the music is that good on Thursdays. HOOPLES is one of my top picks for my 40th birthday location...."LETHARGIC MARK" and I we hangin' there last night....good times....
ANDREA VECCHIO from Channel 3's GOOD COMPANY and I at The Jake Thursday afternoon. The TRIBE finally beat the Rangers on one of the hottest days I can remember at the stadium. It was soooooo humid....ugh!