My daughter Gabby arrives home from school as she finished first grade Tuesday! I feel older as she gets smarter. At our house, we say Gabby "graduated" first grade. It's a lil tradition we started when Gabby told us she had "graduated" kindergarten. We went to dinner at a restaurant of Gabby's choice.I'm so proud of her passion for reading and her overall attitude. She a great kid and a wonderful young lady!
Hi Allan,
Just wanted to share in your excitement for having a child graduate 1st grade. Madilynn is will be 8 in August. We also have the same tradition...and we are going to OLIVE GARDEN tonight baby! Any excuse to not cook!!!!!!!!! I am so thankful to have my babies home for the summer!!!!!!! I also have a son that just graduated kindergarden, Nathaniel is his name. Have a great, happy, healthy, blessed summer! Love your station cause I am a "bad ass" Christian is what my hubby calls me! Holly
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