CHUCK, RICKI and MARIO from The BRAYLON BUNCH joined me during the break for a night out in Parma. We had a blast at SCOREKEEPERS...stopped by KNOCKOUTS and torched "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'" during kereokee at JOE's.
Without question, THE DEPARTED and BLOOD DIAMONDS are my top two favorite movies of the year. I am very impressed with LEONARDO DICAPRIO as an actor. In BLOOD DIAMONDS, he is great and deserves to win something for this amazing performance. JENNIFER CONNELY is my favorite new IT girl...she replaces AMANDA PEET...if you care, DIANE LANE slips to third. (LOL)
DREAMGIRLS is as good as CHICAGO when it comes to stage shows on the big screen. It's always cool when people stand up and clap at the movies...and that is what happened when I saw DREAMGIRLS. JENNIFER HUDSON (American Idol) blows away the cast with her strong performance. In particular, one song in the middle of the movie will blow you away. I also think BEYONCE is a better singer than she gets credit for. I guess that's what happens when you sing about "gettin' up on it." This was a movie I almost didn't see, but I'm so glad I did.
What a great holiday movie season. So many movies worth seeing during the are some thoughts on some of the movies I've seen so far...WE ARE MARSHALL.....This movie is such a great story. It is so much more than a plane crash that killed 75 football players, coaches, fans and crew. This tells the story of how a city had to bounce back. After seeing the movie, I looked up the real people and stories from that crash in 1971 and I was pleasantly surprised that Hollywood didn't change the story at all. There are also several Ohio connections and references. The coach who took over the program after the crash came from WOOSTER COLLEGE. This is a great story that needed to be's much more than just a sports movie....
ROCKY BALBOA...after the debacle known as ROCKY 5, this one gets it right. I'm a sucker for this formula and was pumped when I left the theatre. As much as the concept of this movie is a great punchline, it's actually not. It's worth seeing. It's why we go to the movies.HAPPY effects. The story was a snooze fest. Not may favorite kids movie at all. For some reason, it should have been better. I expected it to be much funnier with Robin Williams as one the main voices.
CHARLOTTE's WEB.."I LOVED IT" my daughter Gabby says. She read the book and says it's one of her favorite movies.
THE GOOD SHEPPARD...Long...2 hours and forty minutes...good story...bring someone with you to explain it. It moves kinda slow, but the story calls for it. I love these kind of movies, but only liked this one a lot.
The Pursuit of HappYness...Yes, they spell it with a "Y". This is a great feel good movie. WILL SMITH's best performance. His real son is in this and is great. On a side note, at the very end of the movie, look closely, and you will see the guy who WILL SMITH plays walk by. This movie is great in a simple way.
NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM..once I learned this was more of a kids movie, I felt better about it. Gabby loved it. It is fun. If you are going as adults and no kids, uh, be prepared to be disappointed. But again, fun family movie.
What movies have you seen? Respond to the blog below by clicking on "comments". Would love your thoughts on these and other movies.
Christmas morning started bright and early at 6:28am. Gabby was more than ready to start opening gifts......
After being in the Nutcracker this year, I couldn't resist getting Gabby a Nutcracker for Christmas ....
We are not really into all the fad gifts during Christmas, but I got Gabby an Elmo after buying it in an auction for the Children's Hospital at Cleveland Clinic. I have to admit, we were crackin' up all's hilarious!Our family hopes you have an awesome holiday season. From Gabby, Sue and me..MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I have taken a lil heat for shavin' the goatee and over-gelin'. It's hard to come up with a "look" when your options are Pilsbury Doughboy or Angry Facial Hair Bob's Big Boy. Is it still cool to have a goatee?
RANDOM QUESTION: Who's career is hurt more by this picture? Intern Mike who dressed as Ralphie in a rabbitt suit from Christmas Story? Or mine for posing with him? Correct answer: BOTH!
KIDS IN FLIGHT is an awesome organization that gives kids with cancer the opportunity to fly around Cleveland in planes. For more check them out at
KIDS IN FLIGHT held a fundraiser at OLIVOR TWIST in Willoughby Tuesday night. What a great bar! I strongly suggest you check it out! (pictured; Tom, Amber, Maria and I)
It is tradition for the soccer moms to get together at the end of the season and get the coaches a gift to show appreciation for coaching their child. At our end of the season party on Sunday, I was given the best gift ever!!! PIRATE SOCCER SANTA!!! Perfect for the team and the season! PIRATE SOCCER SANTA will no doubt be a new tradition at my house every holiday season. SOCCER MOMS RULE! AAAAAAA RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
My daughter Gabby is proudly displaying her medal after our post season party for The Pirates Sunday afternoon. We lost our finale 8-1 to close out the season at 4-3. Special thanks to Steven, Peter, Jack, Connor, Carly, Dylan, Dylan, Hannah, Anthony, Anthony, Alexis, Brendan and of course, my favorite player, Gabby for a wonderful season. So many "life moments" and laughin'....thanks to the players and parents for a great time!
The cast of The Nutcracker hosted "Breakfast with Clara" Saturday morning at The Spahghetti Wharehouse in Akron on Saturday. Gabby and I spent some quality time with Santa and made ginerbread crafts for the tree. (Please note the snappy reindeer tie)
Gabs hangin' out with Santa on Saturday morning at breakfast.
The cast of The Nutcracker stopped by breakfast. Gabby had a blast doing crafts and meeting the cast members.
John Connor and Ken B. joined me Friday at The Q for the Cavs big win!
Producer Nick, Nicole Richie and I backstage at last year's American Idol Finale. We found her to be pleasant and very open during the interview. She was more than willing to answer questions about drug use and the turmoil in her life. We pondered how her dress actually stayed on. If you look closely, you can actually see me trying to not look.
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NICOLE RICHIE was busted for driving under the influence in Burbank, CA today. There are reports she was driving on the wrong side of the freeway as a result of smoking pot and taking vicodin.
As a kid, I followed the space shuttle program very, several years later, it's still just as exciting to me. It's pretty amazing how we can launch a shuttle into space and dock it at a space station.
Gabs and I are all smiles after Sunday's indoor soccer game.
THE PIRATES celebrate a strong performance in Sunday's game. With limited players on the opposing team, the game was turned into a scrimmage with our team sharing players. The Pirates are 4-2 and play their indoor league finale next Sunday.
After catching me with a cigar at a backyard BBQ this summer, my daughter Gabby found great comedy in the melting snowman. She says smoking is bad.... "even cigars Daddy..."
I've never met anyone who likes fruitcake. Anyone who says they do like it is either lying or works for the company who makes it.
My daughter Gabby was beaming because she got to pick out our tree this year!
When you look like a dork in a goofy hat, there's only one thing to do...pick up the cute lil daughter and photo op.
Glenn The Funny Song Man, Brian Conroy and I share a festive moment at Londrico's. The entire family at Londrico's is very cool. They make this one of my favorite events we do each year. Thank you to all of our listeners who braved the cold weather to support Q CARES FOR KIDS.
This made me laugh.
My 39th birthday on Sunday was spent at The Akron Civic Theatre for the Nutcracker finale. My daughter Gabby enjoyed seeing the behind-the-scenes of the production. It was very cool when the show's director , Chris Meneer , announced my birthday on stage after the final bows.
"Nutcracker Val" and I after Saturday's performance. Val spent countless hours making the show come together and was very helpful to me personally. She is a great lady and a wonderful friend. I sincerely enjoyed being apart of the show. It was awesome seeing such a large cast and crew pull off a great Nutcracker. The Akron Civic Theatre and Children's Ballet of Ohio are a gift to our area. These are very special people who know how to have fun. I can't thank them enough for letting me be apart of the show.
When Skippy The Program Director asked me if I wanted to be the centerpiece of this year's Christmas card, I didn't realize he meant as a tree. The suit was very hot...I feel bad for the next guy who has to wear the suit. The card will be send out as an E-card and to several listeners. If you would like one, drop me a line at
Glenn and I between takes...Frankly, I thought he seemed to be more of a Peter Pan type instead of an elf...but after looking in the mirror, I chose not to say anything to him...
Nick (far left) thinks he's a really snappy dresser with street cred...this picture will knock him down to earth. Glenn clearly enjoys this waaaay too much....Rebecca planned to bring her outfit home for the weekend...she said something about big times with her man Roger.
MONICA, our Charlie Brown Tree, MAUREEN and I enjoy the holiday decorations.
Listeners Monica and Maureen decorate studio!
FESTIVE LISTENER MONICA stopped by hang up Christmas lights in the studio. She put the "festive" in Friday and has us lit up for the holiday.
I had to remind Maureen that I was not really Santa..but she hopped on my lap for a festive photo-op anyway. She spent all night workin' on snowflakes for our studio!