IDOL PREDICTION: Katharine, Taylor AND Chris WIN!!!

I'm picking Katharine McPHEE to win AMERICAN IDOL this week. I really like Taylor Hicks, but Katharine has the whole package! Overall, this season of AI will be the most successful. I feel the top three will go on and have strong careers in music. It really doesn't matter who wins at this point, because Katharine, Taylor and, of course, Chris will be just fine.
Katharine has the overall winning pop formula. If she gets the right songs, she can be competitive with Kelly Clarkson's success. We all know that Chris has already hit the ground running with FUEL and LIVE. The rock arena is screaming for a talent like him to burst onto the scene. As for Taylor, I agree with Rebecca, Michael Buble, Clay Aiken and Josh Groben have carved out a style of music that is quite relevant today. Clearly, AMERICAN IDOL has never been stronger. Who knew the show could have such a huge effect on the music industry!
Also.....very impressed with Rebecca's live coverage of AMERICAN IDOL from the KODAK THEATRE in HOLLYWOOD. Her interview with Chris, Bucky and ACE were awesome. I look forward to her coverage tomorrow on the show.
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