Sandra Bullock checked in with WILDE AND FEE this morning to talk up her new movie. Street Teamer Chrystal says it's a quality flick. "Sandy" was great on the show. Very real and down to earth. She moves up three notches on the TOP 5 list.
Lots of calls about Mayor Frank Jackson not supporting a retractable roof on Browns Stadium. The goal is to attract a SUPERBOWL to Cleveland....we came up with the top five reasons Mayor Frank doesn't want to put a roof over the stadium....
5. God wants to keep a closer eye on the Browns unruly players and their antics.
4. The stench from the DAWG POUND needs some air to breathe.
3. The way the team has been playin', the fans need as many exits as possible.
2. The military flyby is the most entertaining part of a Browns game...without it, there would be nothing to cheer about.
1. A roof at Browns Stadium would attract a SUPERBOWL to Cleveland...reminding Browns fans about something they can't have....
Bummed about the US soccer team losin' their first game in the WORLD CUP. Bring on ITALY.....
Father's Day is Sunday. Do you have a hairy dad? Is the father of your kids too hairy? Email us at WildeandFee@Q104.com We want to wax him live on our show after we shave "Wilde and Fee" into his back and photo op for the blog. Big prizes up for grabs...
TOMORROW's SHOW: It's WHATEVER WEDNESDAY-call us with WHATEVER is on your mind. Senator John McCain talks about his new book. LOVECOURT!
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