I listen to your show every morning on my way into work. I have always enjoyed listening but the other morning I was really taken aback when you made the comment that Anna Nicole is responsible for her son's death. . wow, that is pretty harsh and such a strong statement. Do you really know this woman enough to make a statement like that, for all we know she could be acting drugged up and all loopy. .it's an image and this IS Hollywood we are talking about. I am not a fan of hers but her son is a straight A student who seemed to stay out of trouble and in the brief images that I have seen the two of them together he has a look of love when he looks at her. We might not agree with the lifestyle that she leads but I save such comments as holding someone responsible for the death of their child to people like Susan Smith who actually killed their children. Don't kick someone when they are down. . it has to be hard enough to lose a child tha t you raised alone but to have to deal with such judgement ontop if it all isn't really necessary. Thank you for listening.
Thank you for sending me feedback about the show. You are probably right, I did judge from afar. I just feel that ANNA NICOLE SMITH hasn't projected the strongest image as a responsible mother based on what we have seen in the media. It makes me sad that she lost her son at a time when she was celebrating the birth of her second child. It must be so hard to raise kids in the public eye. As a single parent, it's even tougher. I often feel that these kids are not given a chance when born into the Hollywood lifestyle. Your point is well taken. Sorry if I offended you or anyone else. ~a
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