Tuesday, June 05, 2007


"Graduation" has become somewhat of a tradition at our house. On the last day of every school year, my 8 year old daughter Gabrielle celebrates her graduation. ...When Gabs got word that her mom had earned her Masters and was graduating...Gabs decided, that she too, would be graduating. So, on the final day of each school year, we take her to a special dinner of her choice. As much as I try to steer her toward sushi, she will likely narrow the dinner down to Mexican, Applebee's or The Winking Lizard.
It's been so sweet watching Gabs go through second grade. Her confidence grows more and more each day....(something I'm sure will cause issues in the teen years). I , had the pleasure of helping in her classes at school and have enjoyed it very much.
Its such a thrill to see her enjoy reading. It has become one of her passions. I am confident that she will go on and accomplish so many amazing things. She is truly and Angel from Heaven. Thank you Gabs...and happy Graduation baby!


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