Sunday, September 30, 2007
PAOLO NUTINI played HOUSE OF BLUES Saturday night. He has a very unique voice and put on an awesome show! Word is that he is the next big thing...the "next James Blunt". Some industry friends say that he is a year away from JAMES BLUNT status....Songs to check out include "NEW SHOES" and "LAST REQUEST".
Friday, September 28, 2007
It seems like not that long ago, Gabby was just a lil girl who would rather pick the grass than kick a soccer ball. I can't help but notice how much she has grown up! Soccer has provided me so many special moments to watch my daughter shine. She has so much fun playing soccer and hangin' out with her friends. I snapped these pix at last night's practice....

Monday, September 24, 2007
Favorite bars....
HOTZ Cafe, Hooples, Westpark Station, Winking Lizard Pennisula.....
I'm always looking for fun bars to take the enterouge....list your suggestions on the comments section of the blog below.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Thank you to everyone at NORDSTROM for making our visit so much fun! We look forward to hangin' out again very soon!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Sunday, September 02, 2007

STOMP Bike Ride in Summit County

When I arrived in Cleveland seven years ago, I had no idea I would end up co-hosting the morning show. It's been an exciting time in my life full of many great memories and challenges. In fact, when I started co-hosting the show a couple of years ago, I had no idea that the WILDE AND FEE show would grow in to what it is today. At the time, I figured I was just filling in until a new co-host for Rebecca arrived. My early time on the show was tough for me personally and I'm sure tougher for the listeners. It can be difficult accepting a new voice on to the radio in the morning. With a lot of strong support from my family and the people here at Q104, I have been given a chance of a lifetime. It is awesome to wake up and play on the radio each morning. Working with strong talent like Rebecca, Glenn and Nick and having support from an excellent managment team has made all the difference. Skppy's coaching and Chris Maduri (our big big boss) guidance have helped us grown into a a show we are proud of.
It's hard to believe it's been 7 years in Cleveland. The time has rolled quickly. Our show has built a wonderful following. The people we meet, who write in and call are awesome! They truly have been like a family to us.
Off air, life in Cleveland has been awesome. From starting a soccer league to taking full advantage of all that Northeast Ohio has to offer, it's been a great's to seven more years!
It's hard to believe it's been 7 years in Cleveland. The time has rolled quickly. Our show has built a wonderful following. The people we meet, who write in and call are awesome! They truly have been like a family to us.
Off air, life in Cleveland has been awesome. From starting a soccer league to taking full advantage of all that Northeast Ohio has to offer, it's been a great's to seven more years!