I want to formally apologize to my good friend Brian who was the victim of an unfortunate decision that I made yesterday.
After a dinner at a Mexican restaurant late Monday evening, Brian and I decided we would get JUMBO milkshakes at a nearby Steak and Shake. After only having some of the shake, I pulled up next to a dumpster in the parking lot to toss it in the garbage. I decided I didn't want to have such a large shake before calling it a night. As I went to toss it out of the passenger side of the car (where Brian was sitting), I did not realize the window was not open. The shake exploded all over Brian and inside my car. Brian, a snappy dresser, had his outfit destryoed. He was not happy. Brian, thank you for coming on the show this morning to share your story. I apologize for sending you home smelling like vanilla. No, really , I do. If it had been an ice coffee from Starbucks, I would not feel as bad....but the JUMBO VANILLA SHAKE was a bit much. I've always liked you Brian...hopefully we can work through this.
NOTE: The picture of Brian and I in the upper left was during happier times at a CAVS play-off game. Note the injury below his left eye. It was caused when an anonymous fan threw a giant "Q" pretzel into our luxury box striking Brian in the face.
HAHA, thats really funny! Umm, there is still some milkshake on your should clean it again....milk and 90 degree weather doesn't mix well!
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