Scott and Cathy stopped by the show on WHATEVER WEDNESDAY to share their exciting engagement story. Scott asked Cathy to marry her in the fourth inning of a TRIBE game. In the third inning, Cathy had caught a homerun ball hit by BEN BROUSSARD. The Tribe went on to win the game about good karma heading into their marriage. Scott and Cathy will be married at The Jake on September 8th. We figure there will be plenty of seats....Scott and Cathy , please send our invitation to WILDE AND FEE, One Radio Lane, Cleveland , OHIO 44114.
Senator John McCain was on the show this morning. He talked about his recent trip to the WESTSIDE MARKET and OSU. He even gave us a "GO BUCS!" He gets our vote!
We have at least one...victim...uh, contestant in our SHAVE DAD's BACK contest....We plan to shave and wax dad as a gift for FATHER's DAY. Do you have a hairy dad? Email us at or call our show at 216-578-0104.
On Thursday, we blind side LORRAINE BROCCO with our shocking SOPRANOS FINALE theory. We know who kills TONY in the final episode ever..uh, we think we do.
RANDOM WILDE AND FEE NOTES: Our new studio should be complete one week from today. The engineers are ahead of schedule and doing a fine job. Big ups to SKIPPY our program director for his appearance on our show today. We are pumped to host the FRAY Q LOUNGE tomorrow afternoon. We are also rollin' to the show at HOB tomorrow night.
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