Last night's GOO GOO DOLLS/COUNTING CROWS show gave me the opportunity to use my photo oppin' skills. These are skills that I would like to pass along to you. Please note the picture to the the picture with PHONE SCREENER CHERISE, there is a tiny wee bit of sweat forming around my neckline. It was a humid evening at the show...that's where the layering came into play. They layering can cover up a lot of stuff. As the evening progressed, I met up with several of our listeners. As the sweat continued to form what appeared to be a map of the United States on my chest, I slyly moved behind our listeners for the photo op below. Use band members or other fans as BLOCKERS. It works every time....

*Never lean in a photo. Some people lean as if they won't end up in the pic. A lean only makes you look awkward and puts you in a vulnerable position.
*Feelin' chunky? Stand in back of everyone and make a festive face.
*Try to wear black when you meet bands backstage. It is usually darker back there and you can cover up a lot. Note however, that if it's an aftershow party, you may have sweat salt stains.
*If you forget the salt sweaty thing, lie later about the pic and say it's, uh, some new rock star fashion thing.
*If you have a backstage pass sticker thing, wear it on your leg and not on your shirt. You want to look like you didn't need a pass to be back there. A true rock star does not need a pass.
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