WILDE AND FEE "VISOR DAY" and other random notes....
Today was VISOR DAY for WILDE AND FEE...here, the crew is sportin' our TWILIGHT AT THE ZOO SAM ADAMS VISORS as we get set for Friday's massive event.....Pictured left to right: Glenn The Funny Song Man, Phone Screener Cherise, Me, and Producer Nick with Rebecca in a headlock!Twilight at the Zoo is an awesome event! We always have a blast. We are giving away tix this week. If you don't win them, buy them...great time and an awesome cause.RANDOM THOUGHTS....I am taking heat for picking a strong season for the BROWNS..but I do stand by it...despite a couple of major injuries, I believe this year we will have a better all-around TEAM!Bummed to see Belliard leave the TRIBE....feels like we are throwin' in the towel....DMB Wednesday!!!Got blown off the golf course yesterday in a monsoon!!! This heat index stuff doesn't help the game either!
At the time, this seemed like a festive pose for DANIEL POWTER and I. After further review, it's probably a tad too chummy. I sincerely admire Daniel both personally and professionally. He is awesome with his fans and is an all around kind person. I am proud to say that Daniel and I share the same hometown of Vancouver, Canada. Rebecca and I enjoyed dinner with Daniel before the show at HOUSE of BLUES last night along with listener Krista and listener Michelle. We talked a lot about Daniel's experience with AMERICAN IDOL and learned a great deal about him personally. I was surprised to hear of his battle with drugs. He credits his parents for getting him through that difficult time. When you talk with him, it is quite clear that he enjoys his craft and is creating music for much deeper reasons than record sales and attention. I think that is what makes him such a special artist.Some feedback from our listeners.....Hey AF Great seats, great show - you know I love that guy - so much so that I am going to Chicago on Weds to see him play there. Loved the new stuff he was playing. My friend Debby has never seen him and only knows him from American Idol playing him. She stole my CD out of my car on the way home. Have a great day and thanks again, LW
Hey Allan Fee!!! It was great seeing you at the concert last night. It was an awesome show. I love Daniel's music and it was great seeing it live. His music is so different from alot of other stuff I've heard and he has an amazing vocal range. It was so cool that he referred to Cleveland as his "hometown", seeing as we were the first ones to hear "Bad Day". It makes me proud to be a Q104 listener! I know he's going to be on your show this morning, I just want him to know how much I appreciated seeing him and that I can't wait for him to come back. I can't wait to hear more of his new stuff! Give him a hug for me!!! (and remember, no patting!) Thanks for listening to my Powter ramblings! I'm feelin' the love! -Jamie be@peace ~a
PHOTO: I snapped this pic of my daughter poolside over the weekend...after we finally got into the pool area. Honesty is not always the best policy....while taking my daughter to the pool in our development over the weekend, my daughter kept saying that Mom had the pool pass. I kept trying to hush her and explained that I would take care of it. When it was our turn to sign in, my daughter turned to the pool attendant and said, "We don't have a pool pass!" The woman explained that we would not be able to come in. I tried to explain that my wife had the pass and that we were clearly members of the pool. She said, "I'm sorry, but if you dont' have a pass, you can't enter the pool". Teaching our kids to tell the truth is not always the best thing to do...especially when you are on DADDY PATROL and Mom has all the parental credentials...
It was an awesome Daddy / Daughter day yesterday. I took my 7 year old daughter Gabby to a "real golf course" for the first time. She actually hits the ball straighter than Dad.......
The GIN BLOSSOMS stopped by the show Thursday morning. Lead singer ROBIN (far left) celebrated his birthday yesterday. Very cool guys. Both REBECCA and I are goin' to the show tonight at HOUSE OF BLUES. COWBOY MOUTH (a top 3 all time concert for me) is also on the bill. Should be a killer show!
PINK played a soldout show at HOUSE OF BLUES Wednesday night. She was very cool backstage before the show. I was very impressed with how much time she took with everyone. She truly is underrated as an artist. She is a great singer and entertainer. She even made the dress she performed in.
Today we got word that REBECCA WILDE was named BEST DJ IN CLEVELAND by THE FREE TIMES. Frankly, I have never looked at REBECCA as a "DJ". What makes her so strong on the radio is that she is everything but a "DJ". She is an interesting person who happens to have a show ...and I get to work with her each morning. What makes REBECCA interesting is her many passions. I admire her passion for music, her cats, her relationships with her MOM and brother and yes, her strong opinions. She has strong convictions on animal welfare and even likes sports....or at least tailgating. "DJ's" introduce songs on the radio. REBECCA brings real life to the radio. She is not always right and we don't always agree, but that is what makes our show interesting to me. It's real. REBECCA plays a big role in keeping our show real. RANDOM REBECCA-ables....*Rebecca and I met a little over five years ago at a lunch in the wharehouse district. At the time, neither of us knew we would wind up doing a show together.*We raised thousands of dollars for the APL together. The success of the event was fueled by Rebecca's passion for animals and her solid broadcast over the two day event. *Rebecca has proven that she is not only strong on the radio, but she has lead the way in AMERICAN IDOL coverage in Cleveland on FOX 8. Her live broadcast from HOLLYWOOD this past spring was second to none. *We had a blast together at the TRAIN show at THE AGORA two summers ago. One of the best shows I have seen in Cleveland*We rode around Lake Tahoe together a lil over a year ago. Rebecca insisted we make the trip. It changed my life in so many ways. I have such a great appreciation for cancer survivors and their families. It also started my passion for biking.*Seeing Rebecca's relationship with Roger blossom into what it is today from how it started continues to amaze all of us. The relationship gods were shining on Rebecca that day. Roger really is as awesome as she says he is...hard to believe he was a random listener.*I have always been impressed with Rebecca's sense of adventure. She has jumped out of airplanes, travelled to Spain alone. Just this year she visited Costa Rica and Greece. Rebecca Wilde is much more than a "DJ". The woman who wakes you up in the morning has been there and done that. "DJ's" don't have time to live a "Wilde life", they are too busy ordering pizza and talkin' to caller number nine.
Last night's GOO GOO DOLLS/COUNTING CROWS show gave me the opportunity to use my photo oppin' skills. These are skills that I would like to pass along to you. Please note the picture to the left..in the picture with PHONE SCREENER CHERISE, there is a tiny wee bit of sweat forming around my neckline. It was a humid evening at the show...that's where the layering came into play. They layering can cover up a lot of stuff. As the evening progressed, I met up with several of our listeners. As the sweat continued to form what appeared to be a map of the United States on my chest, I slyly moved behind our listeners for the photo op below. Use band members or other fans as BLOCKERS. It works every time....
OTHER PHOTO OPPIN' TIPS:*Never lean in a photo. Some people lean as if they won't end up in the pic. A lean only makes you look awkward and puts you in a vulnerable position.*Feelin' chunky? Stand in back of everyone and make a festive face.*Try to wear black when you meet bands backstage. It is usually darker back there and you can cover up a lot. Note however, that if it's an aftershow party, you may have sweat salt stains. *If you forget the salt sweaty thing, lie later about the pic and say it's, uh, some new rock star fashion thing.*If you have a backstage pass sticker thing, wear it on your leg and not on your shirt. You want to look like you didn't need a pass to be back there. A true rock star does not need a pass.
This morning, I was listening to your callers talking about their most exciting experiences. I called in and talked to your screener about my visit to the South Pole. I was in the Navy in 1972, assigned to Task Force 43, "Operation Deep Freeze" with the U.S. Navy! I fixed communications gear. I had a chance to fly on a C-130 to the South Pole station. The weather was minus 42 temperature with blue skies. I took a few photos before my film froze and broke. We saved a few pic's. I am e-mailing you a photo of the Pole and my official document received after the flight. I think this was certainly an unusual and exciting moment. I listen to your morning show and I have met Rebecca on another occasion. I love your sense of humor. Thanks for your time......Hank Rolin
First of all, LOVE THE SHOW! I listen every morning on my way in to work (I wish I could listen at work, but the building has bad reception). I’ve tried to call in to the show several times to participate in the conversations, but I just can’t get past all your other fans in the queue! You and Rebecca get my brain started in the morning, and for that I thank you. You two represent the commonality of Cleveland – I think one of the reasons you’re so successful is because so many people can relate to you and Rebecca.
I do have one other comment. . .
I was curious about what you looked like because you have such a nice radio voice, but you’re always ragging on your physical self on the show. I logged on to the web for the first time. You are one seriously deluded dude. You are very cute, and no where near what you make yourself out to be on the radio. So, from someone who really IS a pudge, give yourself more credit and stop raggin’ on yourself!
Olmsted Falls
PS – Why, in the name of all that’s holy, has the station started playing hip-hop?
I am not sure what it is, but the larger comedians that come into the studio for the show always want to nestle in for the photo ops. Comedian John Pinnette stopped by on Festive Friday. He is genuinely hilarious. Next week on the show, we are going to talk to Lewis Black. Both Rebecca and I are huge fans of his. He's always a great guest. Also next week, The Gin Blossoms will be performing live in studio with us. They are coming to town for an HOB show with a band called COWBOY MOUTH. If you have never seen this band, do yourself a favor. They are in my top three concerts of all time. Fred the front man for COWBOY MOUTH is a true entertainer! You'll love the show.Have a great weekend! Be@peace ~a
Our family celebrated The Fourth of July with a bike parade through our neighborhood on Tuesday morning. Gabby made a homemade banner that read "USA". A couple of things I learned on the ride; big guys shouldn't wear white and sweatshirts are not a good on humid 80+ degree days.